| 设计机构 / 岭众联合-田艾灵设计
| Design Company / Elin Imperial Institute of Design
| 全案空间主理设计师 / 田艾灵
| Chief design / Elin Tian
| 方案深化设计师 / 何飞鸿
| Scheme deepening designer / He Feihong
| 软陈深化设计师 / 桓墅空间艺术设计机构-阿怪
| Soft Chen Designer / Hertrue Art Design-Aguai
| 项目地址 / 约克郡·壹号湖畔
| Project Address / The Yorkville Manor
| 项目面积 / 620㎡
| Project Area / 620㎡
| 软陈情景产品 / 桓墅空间艺术设计机构
| Soft accessories / Hertrue art design
| 施工执行 / 十二分装饰
| Construction execution / Perfect Decoration
| 项目模式 / 全案高定
| Project Mode / Full Case High Definition

Mansion space, spatial functional structure distribution and aesthetic control, need designers with life experience, professional and experience to control and coordinate, from design to the implementation of the whole case commission, the systematic ability to solve problems...... Thank the owner for an exchange on trust!
The owner of this case has rich life experience and travel memory at home and abroad, swimming in nature and the city. The owner is fashionable and exquisite, young and energetic, with a dream girl's mind, but also has the atmosphere of heroine temperament. Based on the individual needs of the owner's fashionable sense, the spatial tonality releases the exquisite beauty of the owner.
In the hard installation to meet the living needs of multi-bedroom, multi-functional zoning, and presents a sense of open space. In soft Chen, we release the splendor of colors and elements, take quiet in the bustling city, take fine in the quiet residence, including the comfortable and wonderful natural artistic conception, rich life state in the space has a detailed presentation.