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发表于: 2023-12-30 10:29





KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来

Naturalistic design
山语城/750平自然主义KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来本案坐落于北碚区城南新区,西面靠缙云山脉,北面临人工湖,视野宽广,通风性好。自然、简单、舒适,是业主设计之初向我们传达的对家的理解,不需要太多装饰,回归生活的本质。
设计师通过独特的建筑感营造来表达空间,将奇思妙想赋予家里的每个角落,灵动的家居布局、挑高的客厅、向阳而开的窗户……以艺术、以本真、以有趣,不断塑造家的样子,实现于现实生活的乌托邦。The naturalistic design project is located in the Chengnan New Area of Beibei District, adjacent to the Jinyun Mountains to the west and facing an artificial lake to the north. It has a wide view and good ventilation. Nature, simplicity, and comfort are the understanding of home conveyed to us by the owner at the beginning of the design, without the need for too much decoration, returning to the essence of life.
Designers express space through a unique sense of architecture, endowing every corner of the home with creative ideas, such as a dynamic home layout, elevated living room, and sunlit windows. Through art, authenticity, and fun, they constantly shape the appearance of the home, achieving a utopia in real life.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来接近五米的层高,给人开阔的视野感受,空间围合式休憩区,一侧超高收纳架放置淘来的饰品,无论是一家人交流还是聚会,氛围清雅。
With a height of nearly five meters, it provides a spacious and enclosed resting area. On one side, a super high storage rack is used to store the collected jewelry. Whether it's for family communication or gatherings, the atmosphere is elegant.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来空间光线最好一面的长廊,设计师摒弃了传统的布局,以纵深的空间感留给空间更多可能性,让画室与客厅互动交融,既延伸了视觉感受,也使得楼上楼下之间相互呼应。
The corridor with the best lighting in the space has abandoned traditional layout by designers, leaving more possibilities for the space with a deep sense of space, allowing the studio and living room to interact and blend, not only extending the visual experience, but also making the upstairs and downstairs complement each other.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来主卧大气雅致,采光效果极好,L型梳妆台将区域进行很好的分割,既保证不同空间使用时的隐私,也不会破坏空间动线感。The master bedroom is elegant and spacious, with excellent lighting effects. The L-shaped dressing table divides the area well, ensuring privacy when using different spaces and not damaging the sense of spatial dynamics.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来2
Modern minimalist 
万科哲园/350平现代黑KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来本案位于渝北区万科哲园,该户型为下叠别墅,带地下室与前后花园,因此设计师对原有建筑格局进行改造,负一层重新设置楼梯,增加视觉感。
This case is located in Vanke Zheyuan, Yubei District. The unit is a stacked villa with a basement and front and rear gardens. Therefore, the designer has renovated the original architectural layout and re installed stairs on the basement floor to enhance the visual experience.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来打开门就是明亮的灯光接您回家,狭长的玄关变得温暖活泼。铺贴流畅的地面搭配条形换鞋凳,让刚进入室内的人们感受到宾至如归的仪式感。
Opening the door will bring you home with bright lights, and the narrow foyer will become warm and lively. The smooth paving of the floor and the use of a strip shoe changing stool create a sense of ceremony for those who have just entered the room, making them feel at home.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来3时尚精致的大理石餐桌,随性又别致的庭院,这个简简单单的餐厅,在光的土壤里散发出无比纯净、松弛的气息。A fashionable and exquisite marble dining table, a casual and unique courtyard, this simple restaurant emits an incredibly pure and relaxed atmosphere in the soil of light.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
modern vintage
尊爵堡/660平摩登复古KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来计师通过梳理业主需求,在功能布局上重新规划动线,在负一层和一层之间做挑空,负一层建筑周围整体的做了通风回廊物理上解决防潮,更别出心裁在阁楼设计老虎窗、八角亭,营造大气通透的公共区域,利用光影、材质和色彩大胆碰撞,呈现家庭成员的个性与爱好,构建一处具有多功能美学,摩登时尚和传统复古融合度极高的雅致居所。
The planner reorganized the functional layout by sorting out the needs of the homeowners, creating a gap between the negative first floor and the first floor. The overall ventilation corridor around the negative first floor was designed to physically solve moisture-proof problems. The designer also creatively designed tiger windows and octagonal pavilions in the attic, creating a spacious and transparent public area. By boldly colliding with light, shadow, materials, and colors, the designer presented the personalities and hobbies of family members, creating a multifunctional aesthetic, An elegant residence that blends modern fashion with traditional retro elements.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来通过墙体虚实的关系,以会客厅为中心,形成空间前后左右的纵深感,使其层次更为丰富。在挑空的会客厅采用了1+1+3+3的非传统的围合沙发形式,营造出接待朋友的亲近氛围,让人在超高大的空间尺度中,感到舒适与安全。The designer creates a vertical sense of depth in the front, back, left, and right of the space, with the reception hall as the center, through the relationship between the virtual and real walls, making its hierarchy more diverse.The non-traditional enclosed sofa form of 1+1+3+3 is adopted in the empty reception hall, creating a friendly atmosphere for receiving friends, making people feel comfortable and safe in the super tall spatial scale.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来推开门,硬装复古,陈设相对摩登时尚,设计师用BocadoLobo的青花瓷边柜、ceccotti传世双人椅和根据青花瓷边柜专门定制的同色系的地毯,在这个玄关空间营造主人一家的生活态度:摩登和复古、传统和当代,东西方融合的精致。
Pushing open the door, the hard furnishings are retro and the furnishings are relatively modern and fashionable. The designer uses BocadoLobo's blue and white porcelain edge cabinet, ceccotti's legendary double chair, and a specially customized carpet in the same color scheme based on the blue and white porcelain edge cabinet to create a living attitude of the owner's family in this foyer space: modern and retro, traditional and contemporary, and the exquisite fusion of East and West.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来4
new chinese style
壹号半岛/165平现代轻奢KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来本案位于重庆照母山板块,交通便利,配套齐全。生活的愿望,设计师用心倾听,在图纸中规划和勾勒每个家庭成员的爱好和习惯,我们对原有布局与居住者喜好仔细考量,拆除阳台把良好的视野过渡给室内,创造更加开阔的视野,通过颜色和不同材质的表达,构建出一个与居者精神同频共振的空间。
This case is located in the Zhaomushan area of Chongqing, with convenient transportation and complete supporting facilities. The desire for life is carefully listened to by the designer, who plans and outlines the hobbies and habits of each family member in the blueprint. We carefully consider the original layout and the preferences of the residents, remove the balcony to transition a good view to the interior, create a broader view, and through the expression of colors and different materials, construct a space that resonates with the spirit of the residents.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来客厅遵循主人的想法,将阳台打开,纳入客厅,最大限度地开阔视野和客厅范围。在硬装设计上以现代、极简、质感的元素贯穿整体,石材、棉麻、皮革。。。。。。拒绝复杂的造型,将重心放在品质和色彩上,营造了一个宽阔流畅的场所,最大还原家庭生活的自由和纯粹。
The living room follows the owner's idea by opening the balcony and incorporating it into the living room, maximizing the view and range of the living room. Modern, minimalist, and textured elements are integrated into the overall design of hard furnishings, including stone, cotton, linen, and leather...... Refusing complex styling and focusing on quality and color, creating a spacious and smooth space that maximizes the freedom and purity of family life.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
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发表于: 2023-12-30 10:46

KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
In the open space, a layout design integrating guests and meals is adopted to create a breathing and interactive space, creating a ceremonial dining atmosphere with classic logs and stones. The design without a main light continues to this point, with the collision of red and black, creating a sufficient sense of ceremony for residents in terms of visual and practical charm.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来5
Modern Classics
紫泉枫丹/300平侘寂风KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来本案位于北碚区融创紫泉枫丹别墅区,建筑体为联排别墅,前庭后院格局在古朴素净的表皮下,设计师用裸露的肌理还原出最本真的状态,将家的温度和使用者的情感融入其中,在繁华都市中,以光为笔,以形为媒,尊重屋主的需求,关注空间的融合与独立,建构舒适的住宅环境。This case is located in the Fengdan Villa Area of Rongchuang Ziquan in Beibei District. The building is a row villa, with a front and back courtyard layout under the ancient and simple skin. The designer uses exposed textures to restore the most authentic state, integrating the temperature of the home and the emotions of the user. In the bustling city, light is used as the pen and form as the medium, respecting the needs of the homeowner, paying attention to the integration and independence of the space, and constructing a comfortable residential environment.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来为满足更好的采光通风,设计师在这个区域设置挑空,打开一个上下贯通的空间,使得空间既通透开放又保证采光,人与空间、自然与空间、空间与空间相互对话和交流。In order to meet better lighting and ventilation, the designer has set up a bay in this area, opening up a space that runs through the top and bottom, making the space transparent and open while ensuring lighting. People and space, nature and space, and space and space communicate and interact with each other.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来老木头、老陶罐、亚麻这类天然的有年代感的物件,基于此,设计师在餐厅的颜色上选用黑色作为空间主调,用白色平衡空间,营造整体的质朴与“粗粝感”。
Based on natural objects with a sense of time, such as old wood, old pottery jars, and linen, the designer chose black as the main color scheme in the restaurant, balancing the space with white to create an overall rustic and rough feeling.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来6
Modern Classics
金科九曲河/180平现代简约KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来本项目的地址坐落于渝北区,通过现代的设计手法,运用优雅的灰咖色调和柔软的视觉感,拒绝传统的简洁干净线条,将水纹融入空间设计。整体个性而不失艺术性,表现出别具一格的简素清雅。营造出归于平静的空间感悟
The address of this project is located in Yubei District. Through modern design techniques, elegant gray coffee tones and soft visual sense are used, rejecting traditional simple and clean lines, and incorporating water patterns into the spatial design. Overall personality without losing artistic quality, showcasing a unique simplicity and elegance. Creating a sense of tranquility in the spaceKD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来电视墙的长城板与壁炉巧妙的结合在一起,让客厅实现了现代风格的秩序感与温暖的氛围均衡组合。
水纹的吊顶,让空间氛围不再单调,以独特的艺术手法,融入空间层次与意境。闲暇的时光,阳光与微风与时间缓慢流逝,在此刻独享静谧与闲适,将光,风,时间都赋予了形状!The clever combination of the Great Wall panel of the TV wall and the fireplace creates a balance between modern style order and warm atmosphere in the living room.
The ceiling with water patterns no longer creates a monotonous atmosphere in the space, incorporating unique artistic techniques into the spatial hierarchy and artistic conception. Leisure time, sunshine and breeze slowly pass by with time, enjoying tranquility and leisure alone at this moment, giving shape to light, wind, and time!KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来7
modern vintage
招商云邸/135平美拉德KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来在平面布局上花费心思,没有过于追求风格,但它干净、好用、宽敞,又留给一个家庭互动的空间,温暖的美拉德色系在空间里游弋,蔓延出宁静和美好
Putting a lot of effort into the layout without overly pursuing style, but it is clean, user-friendly, and spacious, leaving a space for family interaction. The warm Maillard color scheme swims in the space, spreading out tranquility and beautyKD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来设计布局时,充分考虑屋主的习惯和需求,最大程度满足在家办公阅读的自由度和舒适感,1.8米大长桌实现办公或者阅读,这种微妙的距离感,让家庭的互动关系更细水长流。同时顶部用弧形将横梁包裹,这份柔和而富有温度的调性,是对生活质感的极致追求。
When designing the layout, fully consider the habits and needs of the homeowner, and maximize the freedom and comfort of working and reading from home. A 1.8-meter long desk enables working or reading, and this subtle sense of distance makes the interaction between families more smooth and long-lasting. At the same time, the top is wrapped around the crossbeam with an arc, which is a soft and warm tone that is the ultimate pursuit of the quality of life.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来
KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来电视墙和沙发的距离恰到好处,把电视嵌入墙体是个不错的选择,和收纳融合得很好,这个空间的物品不多,但每一件都有品质。隐藏的灯光描述着质感,扩展客厅的边界,也让空间层次更加丰明。
The distance between the TV wall and the sofa is just right. Embedding the TV into the wall is a good choice, and it blends well with storage. There are not many items in this space, but each one has quality. The hidden lights describe the texture, expand the boundaries of the living room, and make the spatial hierarchy more vivid.KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来「TRUST」
· 致 谢 业 主 ·



— END —KD私宅| 匠心自然-致敬过去·期待未来


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