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发表于: 2021-11-05 16:25
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
MUSE Design Awards
 【泊联汇环球大酒店 大渡口超高层店】 

The results of the 2021 MUSE Design Awards were announced. After the selection of 58 judges, KD Interior  Design Office Works 《Park Lianhui Botique Hotel》and 《Office Space of a Design Company》from participants from 23 countries and regions and won the gold winner.KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖缪斯设计奖
(MUSE Design Awards)
(International Awards Associate)

MUSE Design Awards was founded in New York, USA. It is an international design competition for creative professionals and companies from various design fields. The award is hosted by the International Awards Associates(IAA)and is the most influential in the field of creative design in the world. KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
MUSE Design Awards是MUSE Awards Program的一部分,由 International Awards Associate (IAA) 于 2015 年创立。媒体设计制作和发行。IAA 的使命在很大程度上塑造了 MUSE 设计奖的目标。

从根本上说,MUSE 设计大奖是一项针对工艺转变范式的设计师的国际竞赛。他们的独创性和彻底的作品让其他人惊叹不已,并因此重新定义了界限和范围——就像一个缪斯女神。

The MUSE Design Awards is a part of the MUSE Awards Program, which was created by the International Awards Associate (IAA) in 2015. IAA’s inception was based on a mission to honor, promote and encourage creativity by providing a new standard of excellence for evaluating media design production and distribution. IAA’s mission has largely shaped MUSE Design Awards' goals.

Fundamentally, the MUSE Design Awards is an international competition for designers whose craftsmanship shift paradigms. Their ingenuity and thorough works leave others in awe, and in so doing redefine boundaries and scope – much like a muse.

 ·斩获两项铂金奖 · 
Two platinum awardsKD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖缪斯设计奖以严格的评审体系和高质量的评判标准著称,由180多位国际知名评审组成的高水平评审团进行每年的奖项选评,评委根据作品的创造力、概念和写作、融合、工艺质量、视觉设计、执行力和整体经验等,以盲评的方式评选所有参赛作品,最终仅具备顶尖美感与科技概念的作品,才有机会获得缪斯设计奖。赢得缪斯设计奖是对设计师创造创新能力和艺术表达能力具有国际领先的杰出性的认可。

KD室内设计事务所实景案例《泊联汇环球大酒店 大渡口超高层店》以及《KD室内设计事务所第二设计中心》荣获美国缪斯设计奖 MUSE Design Awards 2021年度2枚最高奖项:铂金奖

The MUSE Design Awards foster new horizons for theirindustries. Underthe administration of the International Awards Associate (IAA), both awards arejudged by a panel of professionals, who have received accolades ininternational settings.KD Interior  Design Office Works 《Park Lianhui Botique Hotel》and 《Office Space of a Design Company》won the gold winner.KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖缪斯设计奖在设计界享有至高声誉,很大程度上取决于高素质的作品和设计师的激烈竞争。该奖设有包括概念设计、建筑设计、景观设计、产品设计和照明设计等在内的14项奖励计划,有来自102个国家和地区的超过43000件作品参与竞赛,可谓是最具影响力的国际奖项之一。

ccording to official statistics, Muse Design Award has received nearly 4.3W entries from more than 100 countries/regions around the world. It can be said that Muse Design Award is one of the most influential international awards, attracting designers from all over the world to contribute their works to Muse Design Award, just to leave a brilliant mark in the history of design.
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖

The Muse Design Awards is an international competition for professionals in the creative and design industries. It aims to cultivate and promote "design muses" and promote design development to a higher level. Collect design works in a wide range of fields such as architecture, interiors, products, and fashion, and discover and support designers in the rising period of various industries.

 ·获奖作品展示 · 
Award-winning workKD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖

泊联汇环球大酒店 大渡口超高层店
·Park Lianhui Botique Hotel·KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖这是一套精品酒店室内设计案例,面积4800平方米,位于高层建筑43至46层。沿着通往酒店房间的路径构建了一条动态线。通过大堂、电梯、客房三个空间场景的尺度变换和节奏变化,充分体现层高优势。

It is an interior design case for a boutique hotel, with an area of 4800 square meters, located on the 43rd to 46th floor of a high-rise building. A dynamic line is constructed along the path to the hotel room. Through the scale transformation and rhythm change of the three spatial scenes of lobby, elevator, and guest room, the advantages of storey height are fully expressed. KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖1、酒店大堂室内面积70平方米,顶高17米。设计师创造了不寻常的 3:1 比例,将空间中的“高度”概念传达给客户。2. 有100多米高的圆柱形透明电梯将顾客从大堂带到房间。客人在电梯中上升时,可以体验到高度和景观快速变化的新奇感,令人印象深刻。3. 客房采用浅色调的简约设计。每个房间都有超过10平方米的落地玻璃。视野的开阔和楼层的高度,营造出远离城市喧嚣的空间感,让宾客无比放松。

1. The hotel lobby has an indoor area of 70 square meters and a top height of 17 meters. The designer creates unusual proportions of 3:1 to convey the concept of "height" in the space to the customer. 2. There's a cylindrical transparent elevator that is more than 100 meters high to bring customers from the lobby to the room. As they ascend in the elevator, guests can experience the novelty of the rapid change of height and landscape, which is impressive. 3. Rooms adopt a simple design with light colors. Each room has over 10 square meters of floor-to-ceiling glass. The breadth of vision and the height of the floor create a sense of space away from the hustle and bustle of the city, making guests extremely relaxed.

·Office Space of a Design Company·
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
这是一个室内面积400平方米的设计公司办公室的室内案例。客户希望为 30 人的设计团队提供一个愉快的办公环境。在空间的入口处,接待台被设计成抽象的“八侠”形象,一条源自中国古代神话的龙。口中有龙珠,背有石碑,代表能力、守信、能给身边的人带来好运的能力。

It is an interior case for a design company's office with an indoor area of 400 square meters. The client wanted to provide a pleasant office environment for the design team of 30 people. At the entrance of the space, the reception desk is designed as an abstract image of “BaXia”, a dragon derived from ancient Chinese mythology. It has a dragon ball in its mouth and a stone tablet on its back, representing competence, trustworthiness, and the ability to bring good luck to those around. 
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖
KD斩获2021年美国MUSE Design Awards设计大奖 两项铂金奖

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