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勋章 勋章
发表于: 2024-03-29 16:03
十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

When I choose a structural sequence,
one pillar next to another, 
the sequence appears as a rhythm of no light, light, no light, light, no light, and light.

——路易斯 · 康 Louis Isadore Kahn


项目地址 | 鹏润 · 鹿山台
Project Location:PengRun·LuShanTai
项目面积 | 140m?(不含露台)
Project area:140㎡
项目设计 | 岭众联合  余俊龙
Chief Design:EIID YuJunLong

软装设计 | 桓墅软陈  杨茜
Soft Decoration :HERTRUE ART DESIGN YangXi
施工单位 | 十二分装饰
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勋章 勋章
发表于: 2024-03-29 16:11

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态


This case is a top-notch apartment. The owner and his wife are from the north. They are a family of four. They have straightforward personalities and are very comfortable to communicate with. This apartment is mainly for the children to study conveniently. The parents usually help take care of the children and pick them up, so the emphasis is on It lies in the openness and utilization of public space, the storage of families, and the reconstruction and design integration of unreasonable spaces.The entire interior space focuses on integrating natural elements and modern design concepts, emphasizing the connectivity between indoors and outdoors.


From the entrance to different functional areas, there are retractable and retractable areas. The entire interior space focuses on integrating natural elements and modern design concepts, emphasizing the connectivity between indoors and outdoors.In addition to satisfying the user's basic practical functions and reasonable human body size, it also expresses more spiritual feelings and spatial coherence.

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

Wooden veneer, matte floor tiles, latex paint, cotton and linen fabrics to create a warm and comfortable atmosphere


Soft neutral tones make the entire space feel harmonious and peaceful

采光 Lighting
The design focuses on natural light, introducing ample sunlight through large windows and using lamps to create a comfortable atmosphere.

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2024-03-29 16:11

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

The original space layout is unreasonable, the living room, kitchen, etc. are too small and inconvenient to use.To resolve the issue, we made the following changes:

厨房优化Kitchen optimization
Enlarge the kitchen operating space and add a center island to improve the comfort of daily baking and cooking.

卧室空间重塑Bedroom space remodeling
The original bedroom wall on the first floor was opened and integrated into the living room, making the overall space more transparent.Optimize the layout by changing the position of the stairs.The bedroom door is combined with the additional storage cabinet to form an integral surface, ensuring storage space while increasing privacy.

空间交点的打造Creation of spatial intersection
The dismantled column is combined with the dining table to form the intersection of space.

楼梯设计Stair design
Due to the modification of the staircase, it is connected to the terrace and provides good lighting.Ensure large storage capacity in two rooms and reduce wasted space and aisles.The first step of the stairs forms a large platform, a soft boundary, and also serves as a children's play area.

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态
勋章 勋章
发表于: 2024-03-29 16:14

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态
十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

Modifications to the staircase not only improve accessibility but also create a multi-functional platform.The enhanced privacy and connection to the terrace make the entire space closer to the needs of the owners.

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2024-03-29 16:15

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态
十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

十二分&岭众联合 | 鹿山台 · 生活乐园,塑造空间新形态

Through this series of design adjustments, we have created a home space for the owners that is both modern and close to nature, allowing the residents to enjoy their life paradise in a comfortable and harmonious environment.

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