阅读数: 4693 | 回复数: 11

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-10-18 10:06

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

我只是在季节变换之际,日夜地体验它每一时刻的变化。群山无言地庄重,岩石原始地坚硬,杉树缓慢精心地生长,花朵怒放的草地绚丽而又朴素的光彩,漫长的秋夜山溪的奔涌,积雪的平原肃穆的单一。I just experience the changes of the seasons day and night. The mountains are wordlessly solemn, the rocks are primitive and hard, the fir trees grow slowly and carefully, the grass with flowers in full bloom is gorgeous and simple, the mountain streams rush in the long autumn night, and the snowy plains are solemn and single.——《人,诗意地栖居》

项目地址_Location       项目风格_Style
联发瞰青墅                  中古自然
项目面积_Space               400㎡
硬装设计_Project Designer十二分空间设计-向华英
软装陈设_Soft Products桓墅空间艺术设计馆-张盈
项目类型_Project Mode 全案设计
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勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-10-18 10:31

This "home" is not only a place to provide a comfortable atmosphere, but also a reflection of the residents' inner feelings and an aesthetic extension. Follow the invisible thoughts of the heart, and then project them into the tangible place of the home, and finally the best and most beautiful home will be presented.
十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

Taking light as the guide and meaning as the context, "let nature take its course" is the spiritual core of the whole space. Every door and window is a viewfinder, where the gestures of light and shadow, blue sky and green trees and natural things are properly included, leaving more natural footnotes.

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-10-18 10:32

留白·等光来十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后
十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

挑高客厅赋予空间通透宽阔的舒朗之意,窗景而立,似定格的自然画;适当的设计留白,让画面更加纯粹和谐,隐与现的艺术转换间营造有与无。Lifting the living room gives the space a transparent and broad Shu Lang meaning, and the window view stands like a fixed natural painting; Appropriate design leaves blank, making the picture more pure and harmonious, and creating the existence and absence between the artistic transformation of concealment and present.十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-10-18 10:33

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后
十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

The living room is the visual center of the home, with gentle wood and stone, delicate cotton and linen, plain leather, ancient pottery and abstract wall hanging … which makes it natural and fragrant and comfortable. Sometimes sit down and listen to afternoon music; Sometimes I lean against the black sofa and read one book after another.十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后
十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-10-18 10:34

家的能量延续在每一处细节中,寄托在家具、花香之中或许不被察觉,却又在自然生长,潜移默化地影响着生活。The energy of home continues in every detail, and it may not be noticed in furniture and flowers, but it grows naturally and exerts a subtle influence on life.
十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-10-18 10:38

心归自然·自清净十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后
The shape of the restaurant is simple and simple, and it pays more attention to the experience brought by the material itself, or it is warm or rough, and then it is matched with the flower arrangement by the hostess, which is fresh and fragrant. As a result, the outline of home is slowly outlined in these bits and pieces of daily life.十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-10-18 10:40

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

The open kitchen island is connected with the dining room, forming a large open functional space. Nature, light and shadow are borrowed to decorate the daily customs, giving life a bright and ceremonial feeling in every move.

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-10-18 10:43

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

As a link connecting the space, the white revolving ladder with a strong sense of power traces the winding lines with light and shadow, and steps up into another world.十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-10-18 10:46

自处·居心地十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

The master bedroom inherits the elegant charm, reveals the warm texture through the wooden platform bed, spreads the quiet and soft introversion, and quickly condenses the comfortable emotion and romantic modality through the romance of the window view, and resonates in the silence.
十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

似一个远离城市喧嚣的世外桃源,遍布的绿植,错落、繁盛,恍若山林掩映中的小屋,在此感受光、空气和雨,感受隐明之间的转换。夜晚的繁星、蛙鸣,让心回归宁静,连接内心与远方的地平线。Like a paradise far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the green plants are scattered and flourishing, like a hut hidden in the mountains, where you can feel the light, air and rain, and feel the transformation between the hidden and the bright. The stars and frogs at night make the heart return to peace and connect the heart with the distant horizon.

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-10-18 10:56

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

Push open the window, let the hearty breeze blow one after another, and the light passes through the white gauze curtain and smudges on the awake face. The window is full of greenery, and the indoor environment is clean and comfortable, from visual enjoyment to the charm of practical functions.
十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

Through the contrast between light and shadow, the balance of materials and the structure of artistic conception, it has become a projection at the microscopic level. The materials are exquisite, the light and shadow are self-contained, the exquisite tone is set, and the field is enriched by the content of future life.

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

In addition to meeting the functional needs, solving the original structural problems, and grasping the narrative rhythm of balancing the space, the designer also takes the time to understand the personality hobbies and daily real life state of family members, and finally presents a unique home that truly fits the lifestyle of the owner. I hope that people who live here will enjoy a happy life, enjoy all kinds of things outside the window and enjoy the process of accompanying each other ……

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-10-18 10:58


十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-10-18 11:01

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后
十二分定制打造 | 联发瞰青墅 | 悦己·自然之后

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