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勋章 勋章
发表于: 2025-03-12 12:33
十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

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勋章 勋章
发表于: 2025-03-12 13:30


Space and life continuously tell a story of serendipitous experiences. The client prefers a spacious, simple, warm and comfortable sense of space. Therefore, starting from functionality and comfort, we aim to pursue a quality that emanates from within, ensuring that the design can stand the test of time and the space continues to uphold an overall minimalist style.
十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所
勋章 勋章
发表于: 2025-03-12 13:32

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

以木色引领光的流动,自然之意于纯粹简约的空间中畅游无阻。以温和的手法巧妙重构空间的合宜尺度,达成与自由共生的认识。Guided by the wood color, the flow of light is led, and the essence of nature roams freely in the pure and simple space. With a gentle approach, the appropriate scale of the space is ingeniously reconstructed to achieve the understanding of symbiosis with freedom.  

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2025-03-12 13:35

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

The open space and interaction between the living room and the kitchen fully interpret the delightful concept of free movement. The cooking stove and the sink are concealed behind the TV wall. Customized floor cabinets are installed on the wall behind the TV wall to place small kitchen appliances, which is both convenient and practical.

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2025-03-12 13:39

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

在有限的场域中延续巧妙的设计构思,空间交换铺陈空间里的舒适节奏。将两个客房打通做成主卧套房区域,以米白色和原木色为主,营造更为松弛、秩序井然也静美温馨的休憩场景。In the limited space, the ingenious design concept is continued, and the exchange of spaces lays out a comfortable rhythm within the space. The two guest rooms are opened up to form a master bedroom suite area. Dominated by off-white and natural wood colors, it creates a more relaxed, orderly, serene, beautiful and warm resting scene.  

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

儿童房也将原有衣帽间的区域打通让空间形成一个整体,设计成书柜与学习区、衣帽间区、睡眠区达到分区而动。儿童房空间主要配色是米白色为主、点缀低饱和度的莫兰迪绿色系,营造童趣灵动之感。In the children's room, the original cloakroom area is also opened up to make the space an integrated whole. It is designed with a bookcase, a study area, a cloakroom area and a sleeping area, enabling different functions in different sections. The main color scheme of the children's room space is off-white, complemented by low-saturation Morandi green tones as accents, creating a playful and lively atmosphere full of childlike innocence.

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

长辈房以素雅天然的木调点缀留白,使得空间更加纯粹和宁静,让居者身心得以放松在绵软恬静的卧室氛围里。The elder's room is decorated with simple and elegant natural wood tones and areas of blank space, making the space more pure and tranquil. This allows the residents to relax both physically and mentally in the soft and peaceful atmosphere of the bedroom.

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

十二分定制打造 | 晓风印月 · 简约致心的现代居所

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