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勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-04-06 10:33

十二分定制打造 · 岭众全案桓墅软陈 | 阿尔贝娜 · 游园之趣

十二分定制打造 · 岭众全案桓墅软陈 | 阿尔贝娜 · 游园之趣



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勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-04-06 15:17

设计机构 | 岭众联合-田艾灵设计 
Design Company:Elin Imperial Institute of Design
全案方案设计师 | 余俊龙
Chief design | Yu junlong
软陈设计师 | 杨茜
Soft Chen Designer | Yang Xi
项目地址 | 阿尔贝娜-龙溪聚信店
Project Address | Alpina
项目面积 | 180㎡
Project area | 180㎡
项目风格 | 当代解构
Project Style | Contemporary Deconstruction
软陈情景产品 | 桓墅空间艺术设计机构
Soft accessories | Hertrue Art Design
项目模式 | 全案高定
Project Mode | Full Case High Definition


Deconstruction is an ideological term of jacques derrida, which has produced an avant-garde style of breaking the tradition. The concept of "deconstruction" originated from the word "de construction" in Heidegger's Being and Time, which originally meant decomposition, digestion, disassembly and disclosure.

In the whole structure, a new enclosing form is formed by disassembling and breaking up the wall and then re-assembling it, which shows that the separated individuals are connected with each other.

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-04-06 15:18


Space division



The use area of the whole space is not large, and it is a square rectangle. After communicating with the owner, the first consideration is the passenger flow of the whole commercial exhibition hall-how to guide customers to recognize and recognize their own brands step by step. Therefore, the design concept of garden is adopted in the overall dynamic line, and the staggered relationship between gardens and the concept of one step and one scene are dissolved in the whole project, so that customers can realize and recognize Albena in the process of walking.


Around the word "Garden", three independent boxes with different specifications are inserted in the space through the connection of corridors, forming an independent semi-private space, such as a pavilion in a garden. Constructing exhibition hall space with rational structure and lines is intended to create a real and comfortable life aesthetics and give brand space vitality and innovation.

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-04-06 15:18

Linear language constitutes rational spatial order


The entire exhibition hall has a reception area, a negotiation area and a product display area. In a relatively limited space, the exhibition hall not only realizes several basic functions, but also returns to people's experience emotions. The entrance is opened and closed in scale by the height and height of the steps, opening different openings to the space, and folding out the intricate residential scenery of "leading everywhere and having a square side view". In addition to "introduction", we also hope that visitors can "walk into" the garden and have a simple dialogue with nature.

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-04-06 15:18


The whole hall adopts the design idea of landscape-penetrating, semi-penetrating and landscape-borrowing, forming a translucent and weak light hall environment. By reconstructing art, the space is divided and combined; The introduction of natural gardens into indoor space will enable Albena's products to be fully immersed in plants, light and wind without being confined to cement forests, and to tell people actively.



Space itself is a container, and we try to explore the expression of paint itself. Feel the inspiration of time in a quiet space, first pay attention to the charm of space and product texture in space, and then interpret the product itself. The sense of space step by step gives us the most authentic feedback with natural texture.

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-04-06 15:20

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-04-06 15:21


The circuitous and interesting spatial path setting, flexible division and connection of space, construct a complete and unified spatial sequence, naturally transition to different regions, make images with the party, and enjoy the garden poetically. The negotiation areas on both sides are designed in a sinking way, which changes the height and size of the whole area, and visitors get more rich visual and visiting experiences.

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-04-06 15:21


勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-04-06 15:22

Red box, brand vision


Red is the brand color of Albena. In the overall elegant space, the designer made a large amount of red box to insert it, which lit up the whole store and gave visitors a unique memory. At the same time, the wall will be placed at the height of apparent horizon, so that more communication and interaction will be covered with a hazy layer.

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2023-04-06 15:22

Edoardo Chilida说:“空间是我们周围事物中最具活力的,就像精神的本质”。设计师希望空间能裹挟着来访者流动穿梭于其内,在路径的迂回变化间,空间也切换着它的面貌,在通透清晰与模糊混沌间切换。

Edoardo Chilida said: "Space is the most dynamic thing around us, just like the essence of spirit". Designers hope that space can wrap visitors around it, and in the circuitous changes of the path, space also switches its face, between transparency and ambiguity.


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