In the survey site, to meet so many functional requirements, it must be neat and tidy, and each floor must be thought about corresponding to the storage system. Respect the internal and external structure of the house, and observe and sort out the space.
· 设计师决定打开一侧的边花园、让光线倾斜而入,调整楼梯至此,就拥有了可以大手牵小手并肩上下的开阔明媚楼梯间。
The design team decided to open the side garden on one side to allow the light to enter obliquely. By adjusting the stairs, there is an open and bright stairwell that can go up and down side by side with big hands and small hands.
· 光线充盈洒入负楼层,负二层雅静明亮的多功能休闲厅顺势而就,还设置了独立鞋帽间、钢琴区、巧妙小型运动区等;让负一层拥有了开阔阳光的客房套间,还见缝插针的设置了藏酒阁等。
The negative floor is filled with light, and the elegant, quiet and bright multi-functional leisure hall on the negative second floor follows the trend. An independent shoe and hat room, piano area, ingenious small sports area, etc. are also set up; the negative floor has a bright and sunny guest suite. Also see the setting of the sewer and the setting of the wine storehouse and so on.
· 一楼则顺势有了阳光休闲阅读区与公共空间联动而就阔厅,一改曾经拥挤局促的客餐厅印象。
On the first floor, there is a sunny leisure reading area linked with the public space to create a spacious hall, changing the impression of the once crowded and cramped guest and dining room.
