



2023-10-13 6783 7

十二分&岭众联合 新案 | 重塑香格里拉在地民宿-锦瑟 · 在野院

地处云南香格里拉,是由藏族民居房屋改造成民宿,项目占地5亩,室内面积约1800㎡, 甲方的要求是整体风格不要藏式,对于一个二次设计的项目,第一次去勘测现场时,整体藏房已经拆得所剩无几,只保留了一部分的还没来得及拆。  
The renovation of Tibetan homestays located in Shangri La, Yunnan is a secondary design project and also a challenging one. Covering an area of 5 acres, with an indoor area of approximately 1800 square meters, Party A was not very satisfied with the previous design and contacted me to continue reshaping the design. The first partys requirement is to complete the project within 3-4 months. The existing structure and layout will not undergo major changes, with 16 rooms and a lobby. The indoor budget is around 2 million yuan, as the Tibetan style is too rich and not relaxed enough, so the style should not be Tibetan.


What should a local project with strong cultural symbols abandon when it comes to setting aside cultural advantages? What should I pick up?


文化产物的兴衰在时间的长河里面就是一个轮回,兴与衰取决于该阶段把持者的意图,不同阶段文化产物的意义也不径相同。The rise and fall of cultural products in the long river of time is a cycle of ups and downs, depending on the intentions of the controllers at that stage The significance of cultural products at different stages also varies.


时间不是文化产物推进的唯一,还有燃烧。Time is not the only cultural product that advances, and there is also combustion.


通过对现有结构的火灼,加速建筑结构的表层岁月,从而去寻找到一个适合当下状态。新加的结构形式就像一个可随时拆卸的部件不过多的叨扰到空间的主体,对过往文化的尊重,结合当代的家具和设施完成新生。By burning the existing structure to accelerate the surface age of the building structure, we can find a suitable current state. The newly added structural form is like a detachable component that can be dismantled at any time, but it does not interfere with the main body of the space. The respect for past culture is combined with contemporary furniture and facilities to achieve rebirth.


通过对现有结构的火灼,加速建筑结构的表层岁月,从而去寻找到一个适合当下状态。新加的结构形式就像一个可随时拆卸的部件不过多的叨扰到空间的主体,对过往文化的尊重,结合当代的家具和设施完成新生。By burning the existing structure to accelerate the surface age of the building structure, we can find a suitable current state. The newly added structural form is like a detachable component that can be dismantled at any time, but it does not interfere with the main body of the space. The respect for past culture is combined with contemporary furniture and facilities to achieve rebirth.


因为当地气候以及时间和预算的关系,确保设计更好的融入现有建筑,材质以及工艺方面就在地寻找,当地的石料、夯土、木雕、木材和可以完成项目的本地工厂等等。Due to the local climate and time and budget constraints, it is important to ensure that the design is better integrated into existing building materials and craftsmanship. We are looking for local stone, rammed earth, carved wood, and local factories that can complete the project.

原有的建筑是藏式建筑常用的云杉木料,颜色会很黄,为了做出质朴的空间就用炭烧得形式来对木料进行脱色加工。The original building is a Tibetan style building, and the commonly used spruce wood has a very yellow color. In order to create a rustic space, charcoal is used to decolorize the wood.

软装选择了自然质朴带有一些符号化的家具来配合室内。The soft decoration has chosen natural and rustic furniture with some symbolization to complement the interior.


I named the project . The line words from the Qian hexagram of the Book of Changes, Jiu Er Jian Long, meet the Lord in Tian Li.

和当地相辅相成,惠及乡邻,项目在享受当地文化滋养时,当地人可以此项目获得就业机会和提升学习的地方。Complementing and benefiting the local community, the project is a place where local people can obtain employment opportunities and enhance their learning while enjoying the nourishment of local culture.

当空间经过20-30年左右交还到本地藏民手中,自然的变化使得建筑表面的碳化慢慢剥开,露出原有的文化符号,就像破茧的蝴蝶,再次引来他新的生命。After about 20-30 years of space being returned to the hands of local Tibetans, natural changes have caused the carbonization of the building surface to slowly peel off and reveal the original cultural symbols, like a cocoon breaking butterfly once again attracting his new life.

项目地址:云南 · 香格里拉  

