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勋章 勋章
发表于: 2024-05-29 12:43
十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏


项目地址_Location       项目风格_Style
香港置地·壹江郡         复古现代
项目设计_Project Designer
十二分装饰空间设计-张渲琪;软装陈设 | 桓墅软陈空间设计
项目类型_Project Mode 

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勋章 勋章
发表于: 2024-05-29 13:13

The project is located in Yijiang County, Yubei District, and is positioned as an urban holiday house for leisure and pension. There are four permanent residents, a couple and two sons. Usually, in order to facilitate children to study and live in the school district, they will gather here on weekends and holidays. Therefore, the main appeal is to improve the openness and communication of public space, increase the scene sense of family interaction, so that every family member can enjoy life comfortably at home, and take this as a starting point to shape a new space form to meet the different needs of each family member in watching movies, cooking, dining, reading and writing.

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏
Because there are more male members in the family, the whole space is more clean and capable, and it is easy to maintain and take care of later. At the same time, it also satisfies the female owner's desire to present artistic and literary aesthetic precipitation, elegance, calmness and relaxation; Don't stick to the current fashion trends, let the home be constantly updated and rejuvenated in the following years.

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2024-05-29 13:16

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏
十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

Life is the inspiration of space, and space is the container of life. Taking the daily needs of a family of four as the lead and the concept of family hall as the starting point, we break the closed form of traditional space and form a quiet, natural and continuous life section. Yue family, yue oneself, let the sense of life and story connect in series to form a comfortable residence with temperature.

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

The main elements of the space are laid out with quiet wooden ornaments, the home is contained with warm brushwork, the various possibilities of daily life are enriched with pure and transparent patterns, and the natural life is filled with natural colors.

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

The interactive relationship between space scene and life is focused on subtleties and carved in square inches. The functional usability of public areas and the new migration routes meet the different needs of different family members in the same space, thus forming a different sense of scene. It is not like an unobstructed view of the situation, but it is interesting and intriguing.

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2024-05-29 13:22

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

Space is endowed with openness, freedom and open-mindedness, white is endowed with temperature, and wood color is the finishing touch. The migration line connects the space and function of guest restaurants and kitchens in series, individualizes the division of areas, and people interact with space, creating rich spatial levels and dimensions, and achieves spatial order through proportional reconciliation and a sense of balance with depth.

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

Increase the capacity of electrical appliances in the kitchen area, increase the storage space and display area by using load-bearing walls and ventilation ducts, and emphasize the migration line again.

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

勋章 勋章
发表于: 2024-05-29 13:27

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

Appropriately reduce the area of children's rooms and increase the function of the cloakroom in the master bedroom. Design with details contains the emotional appeal of life, filters the color, shape and texture, perceives the temperature from the functional point of view, removes the burden and returns to the ideal life.

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

The white wood color is pleasing to both, and the influx of sunlight is lazy, slowly depicting the quiet and elegant epitome of daily life, from noise to tranquility.

十二分定制打造 |壹江郡 · 有限与无限的游戏

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